If you are into long range shooting one way to ensure you can split hairs at 60 yards and beyond is to shoot an arrow equipped with Nitro Vanes and a compact broadhead. A small broadhead coupled with a Nitro Vane is a deadly combination that can put more meat in the freezer and antlers on the wall. below are a few of the compact broadheads on the market that fly great and bring down bucks quickly. A large percentage of bowhunters use mechanical broadheads because they fly well at extreme distances and they can handle the speeds of today’s super fast bows. Some bowhunters still want to use a fixed-blade broadhead because they don’t have to worry about blades not deploying. If you fall into that category, below are a few of the compact broadheads on the market that fly great and bring down bucks quickly.
GRIM REAPER HYBRID Grim Reaper has a compact fixed-blade broadhead called the Hades. They recently combined that head with a mechanical head, so now you get the best of both worlds. The new head is called the Hybrid. This 100-grain 2-blade broadhead has a 1-3/16” cutting diameter. Upon impact, two mechanical blades deploy. The two mechanical blades have a 1.5” cutting diameter. In addition, the back edge of the fixed blades are sharpened, which will result in even more internal damage. The best thing about this head is it flies like a small fixed-blade but produces devastating wounds like a mechanical broadhead. (801-373-3759;
QUALITY ARCHERY DESIGN EXODUS Quality Archery Design is best known for making drop away arrow rests, but they also make a unique broadhead called the Exodus. The broadhead is best known for its unique blade over shaft technology. The blades on the broadhead sweep back over the arrow shaft, creating a compact head that offers great flight characteristics. The Exodus is available in a standard version, a Xbow version and a Deep Six arrow version. The Exodus has three, .040” blades and comes with a hardened stainless steel tip. This broadhead has a 1.25” cutting diameter and is available in 85-grains, 100-grains, and 125-grain models. (434-846-5839;
TROPHY TAKER A-TAC Trophy Taker (406-826-0600; is known for making a wide variety of awesome products including sights, rests and broadheads. For 2015, they are offering an fixed-blade head called the A-Tac ($100/3). This compact powerhouse is a four-blade broadhead that features .080”-thick blades that will blow through bone like butter. The A-Tac is made of stainless steel and comes with a unique ferrule design that locks the blades. This extra strong head is an elk hunters’ dream and can be purchased with a 1-1/8” or 1-3/8”diameter. The extra heavy head is available in 175-grains and up, making it a great option for dangerous game.
WAC’EM 4-BLADE Wac’em Archery (256-502-9770; has been on the archery scene for a long time and makes great broadheads that are built to bring down almost anything. I have used these heads with great success. Wac’em was the original innovator of the cut-on-contact replaceable blade broadhead. Their ($35/4) 4-blade cut-on contact broadhead is made of hardened stainless steel and the cut-on-contact tip can be resharpened. This head comes with .027” thick blades, has a cutting diameter of 1-1/16” and is available in 85, 100 and 125-grains.
BY TRACY BREEN About the author: Tracy Breen is a full time outdoor writer, consultant and game dinner speaker who often discuss how he overcomes cerebral palsy. Learn more about him at

BY TRACY BREEN About the author: Tracy Breen is a full time outdoor writer, consultant and game dinner speaker who often discuss how he overcomes cerebral palsy. Learn more about him at